How much control do you really have over your actions? These brain regions provide clues
Do you think you have the free will to do what you want or is it that your brain controls some actions for you even when you don't know you are doing that action!!!!
The alien limb syndrome is not that really extraterrestrial as it may possible sound ,but pretty still freaky,you know.The patients have been complaining reaching out for things without their knowledge,pretty much weird right,reaching out for something without your knowledge sounds freaky,maybe i guess the reason why its called the alien limb syndrome its like you ain't in free will.
Pretty much weird trying to sit on your hand so that it doesn't move,and get something that you ain't willing to take,to an extent that some just eat food placed on their mouth without their consent,and just start to chew,i guess that has ever happened to me imagine sleeping them mom gives you food and you just chew and swallow until you are done it shows that our brains knows what we do a condition called akinteic mutism,it almost like sleep walking,the difference being in sleep walking you do all that with your eyes closed but in this you do all that with your eyes in you know you don't want to do it but the brain does it anyway i think that is ignorance and i don't really fancy that at all
over the millennia philosophers have researched and argued whether we are the actual drivers of our action or just observers,to me i think we are partial observers and partial drivers of our actions,at times its like we area slave to the brain ,but a critical question is who are we without the brain in us,if not simply bodies.I personally belief that whatever we grow seeing and doing dictates how how our brain will function and reason in the future.In my previous blog i mentioned that whatever we grow doing we end up being part of that,and that at times we make decisions thinking that it was based with the current situation and at times the decision was already made for us and that we just adhered to the decision and thought we made the decision.
Individuals with both the limb syndrome and akinetic mutism have what is termed as lesions in their brains ,but so far no consistent pattern has been found.To identify how the two integrate maters and circumstances.
The combined literature for brain imaging studies of both types of patients were mapped out all of their reported brain lesions to come up with all the brain networks that operate and cause such actions,they plotted the brain leisons to the brain to identify the connections and if there is a rhyme or reason which wasn't there,the seemingly arbitrary location all fell within a distinct brain networks.
To the akinetic mutism patients the overlas between their damaged network "peaked" in a particular region of the brain called overlaps between their damaged networks “peaked” in a region of the brain called the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), which is involved in voluntary movement. In patients with alien limb syndrome, the team found some overlap within the temporoparietal junction (TPJ), a brain region strongly implicated in self-awareness and agency. But the peak overlap actually fell in a little-studied region called the precuneus, which has also been linked to self-awareness.
There is much to understand about the brain its like a wild animal that can as well be tamed despite being wild,we just need to know what it feeds on and what kinf of