Is that the kind of life you want? is that what you want to be remembered for? is that what you can do best? is that you? is that your worth? is that the best score you can get? is that the best job you can get? is that the best company you can have? is that your biggest fear? is that your best achievement? is that the legacy you want to leave behind? is that the course you want to pursue? is that the peer group u really want to have? is that the decision you want to make? is that what you love? is that what you admire most? is that your passion? is that what you are grateful for? is that your description? is that the last thing you would do if you were to die tomorrow? is that the life you would live if you had an hour to live? is that the best you can learn in a day? is that your biggest goal or dream? is that the regret you are ready to handle? is that the guilt you want to suffer? is that your ideal home? is that your ideal diet? is that your biggest fear? is that what inspires you the most? IS THAT IT?
the ability to ask yourself a question depicts so much about you, its like a door opening experience ,until you have the guts to ask yourself a question then you simply living for the day,a self asked question shows you are able to do great things.if that the best job you can get is that is the much effort you cant do,the thought that you are employed and so you are not supposed to work extra hour because you wont be paid extra cash is just are your best questionnaire the one who can ask you deep intimate and life changing question.the people around you could help you clog your judgment, any one around you that is of no importance should just be drooped,the legacy you will leave is that the best you could have achieved?will you even leave a legacy in the first place.In the university is that your greatest course your passion will it drive you to be successful in that field or are you doing it for someone,to please you parents and friends probably your girl friend,some chose course because their grades alow them or some chose because the course has a big name.In that which you want to do, IS THAT IT?